02-A — The Self
02-B — The Collective
02-C — The Environment
04 — Emergence through Conscious Creativity
Further Reading: Conscious Leadership
1. This site, in many ways, is a manifesto of my creative practice. Here, I attempt to understand the process of creation—a process which is inherently relational and emergent—through theory and practice. As most creative endeavors, this project is highly collaborative. A special thanks to all advisors and professors, Anais Missakian, Rashid Zia, Harold Roth, Steven Sloman, Judson Brewer, Larson DiFiori, Lisa Scull, and Anna Gitelson-Kahn; to my friends, especially Dway Lunkad and Ethan Hoskins; and everyone I have ever collaborated with.
2. This site was built using custom HTML/CSS on Cargo Collective, set in Favorit and Arizona Variable typefaces. SAP GREEN and WASH BLUE are used to delineate THEORY and PRACTICE respectively.
3. I try to live by the rule that brevity is generosity. I apologize in advance; this site is anything but brief.